10 Jul 2010

Rule Your Business


To actualise any dream; no matter how big or small, takes a conscious, determined and disciplined dogmatism on the side of anybody. If dreams could be birthed easily, it however takes a meticulous mind set of forthrightness and purpose driven mentality to make it real.

Big business enterprises start from an ignorant and humble beginning, but would develop and metamorphous into an enviable channel of wealth. This can only be achieved by a result oriented Person, a goal getter and a dynamic person or team. How would you as you are handle a small scale business and turn it into a big scale?

In order for you to make a small scale business count and profitable, you should be optimistic and handle your enterprise with all the ounce of passion that you have got. You must make up your mind not to listen to negative comments or unfavourable criticism, but invest adequate and active attention to constructive criticism and wise counsel.

It is quite easy to succeed when you think it is. Observing the following, would bring prominence and strategic growth to your business.

. Have a picture of where you are going and pursue it until you see it.

. Conducive environment is strategic to business progress and customers to make your venture thrive.

. Remember you have a goal to actualise. You have to nurture your dream from scratch to the finish.

. You have to be much disciplined and your right mind set will achieve a lot for you.

. To sell profitably and win the minds of the customers, you should be humble. Humility and determination help you to have a height of standard for your business to create an edge in the business world. Go low to get high!

. You should do real things to get good thing done.

. Develop good communication skills. Your ability to convince people is very salient. (marketing strategy).

. Do not belittle the beginning, manage your resources well and be focused. Consider your funds and make profitable use id them.

. You should possess the willingness to learn; seek wise business counsel.

. You should speak to yourself and be ready to make sacrifices for yourself and your customers.

Thus, lessons are meant to be learnt each passing day. So, a tit bit of this nature could spur you into becoming a sound and better business person. Do not neglect the day/time of little start. Put your heart and passion to whatever your hands find to do and do it well.

by Alafah Darius