8 Mar 2013

5 Golden Tips How To Take Charge Of Your Life Now

If you want to live a successful life and achieve all the goals that you set, this would be the right article for you. You are going to learn the 5 golden tips how you can take charge of your life now. As long as you follow through these 5 guidelines below, you will have no problem making all your goals and dreams come true... 1. Find out what you want to accomplish in your life. Every successful person knows exactly what they want, and this is how they are able to focus all their energy to create amazing results in life. If you do not know where you want to go, you will never get in the right direction, and this is the main reason people are not accomplishing much in life. 2. Spend more time doing something productive that will bring you one step forward toward your goals. Knowing what you want is one thing, doing it is another. Do you know that successful people spend most of their time doing something that will give them the results that they want in life? Ordinary people will spend time doing unnecessary stuff such as watching television, playing games, etc. Never let this happen to you. 3. Always practice the positive attitude of 'can do'. No matter whom you are and where you are from, you can and able to accomplish your goals and live your dreams if you want to. And the most important key to making your dreams a reality is to fully believe that you can do it. If you do not have the right attitude, you will sabotage and are not going to produce great results in life. 4. Adopt the habit of constant and never-ending improvement. Do you know that successful people have the habit of constantly learning? They read books, talk, research, train, and learn from all sorts of sources to improve themselves all the time. So start to read and learn about your industry so that you can become an expert in what you do. 5. Be prepared to sacrifice for the success that you want. Do you know that the moment you spend watching movie, some other people are working hard out there to achieve greater success? Great accomplishment will not come to you automatically. You must take action and be willing to sacrifice your leisure time to build the success that you want. No pain, no gain. So these are the 5 golden tips how you can take charge of your life right now and live a successful life. Follow through and practice them in your journey to success.

28 Feb 2013

How You Can Become One In A Million

Do you ever wonder why millions and millions of people live life in exactly the same way? Fear and a need for security are the driving forces at work here and this combination prevents most people from living their dreams. Terrified to take even the smallest of risks, they experience very little excitement and few adventures. A steady job, married with two kids, a nice home in a decent area and a couple of vacations every year. Make no mistake about it, this is pretty much as good as life gets for the vast majority of people.
Do you want to live like this or do you want to live a happier, more exciting life colored with adventure, risk and big rewards? Few people live this way, and those that do are one in a million. If you want to join this exclusive group, here's 5 tips to help you achieve it:
1. Risk  be prepared to accept that big rewards demand a price. You have to take a risk to get them. Whether it's business, a dangerous job, an extreme sport to name but three areas, you have to balance the risks involved with the rewards on offer. Quite simply, risk comes with the territory and you cannot get big rewards without it.
2. Conformity is doing the same things everybody else does because everybody else is doing them so it must be right, yes? Just one problem. If you do the same things as everybody else you'll get exactly what everybody else gets  minimal levels of happiness, huge levels of debt, the rat-race and a life devoid of any real excitement and achievement. Would you describe anyone who lives like this as One in a million? Also, sheep conform. They do what all the other sheep do because they cannot think for themselves. How about you  are you a mindless, obedient sheep? Resolve to do your own thing and walk a different path to everybody else  if you want to be one in a million that is.
3. Know what you want. People who get the most from life do so because they know exactly what they want. They take the time to think about what they want to achieve and they set goals for themselves. Then they get busy on achieving their goals. Contrast this with the majority of people who bumble through life with no idea at all about what they really want to do. Key difference: Life is either something that happens to you or something you make happen. Guess which attitude you need to be one in a million.
4. No excuses. This is a big one. Because most people have many opportunities presented to them throughout their lives but are too scared to take one. Instead, when opportunity comes knocking, most people will build a wall of excuses to avoid it: Age, sex, education, family, jobs, money, skills, abilities, the cat, the dog, the goldfish and the weather. There's more and I'm not being flippant when I mention pets. You name it, the vast majority of people will use it as an excuse to justify missing out on an opportunity that could drastically improve the quality of their lives. If you want to be one in a million, then throw your excuse crutch onto the bonfire and resolve to never use any excuses to cheat yourself out of opportunity. Welcome it. Embrace it. And then milk it for all its worth.
5. Dont listen to people who haven't done anything. Be your own person and use your intelligence to make good for you decisions. The problem is that when you do, others will pour cold water on your ideas by highlighting all the negative aspects they can think of. They will do their level best to stop you from pursuing a better life by heaping their fears onto you. DO NOT LISTEN. Unless they've lived an exciting life, full of rich experiences, exciting adventures, successes and failures and true happiness. Such people will be more positive about your plans and will be able to provide you with knowledge to help you on your way. Those who havent done anything are not in a position to be of any use to you whatsoever and as such, are part of millions. But you want to be different yes? You dont want to be one of millions you want to be one in a million. So why listen to people who are and always will be one of millions?
You want to live life in your own unique way and these 5 tips will help you to do it. You can do it and after all, what have you got to lose? The reward is to be one in a million. Believe me, its well worth it.

2 Jun 2012

Top Ten Reasons People Don’t Achieve Their Goals

Top Ten Reasons People Don’t Achieve Their Goals
Here’s a quick rundown of most of the things that keep one from achieving the success they seek. If you’re not accomplishing your goal or not reaching them as easily or as quickly as you think you should use this as a checklist to see where you might be missing out.
1.       Not Knowing What You Really Want. Mark Twain said he could teach anyone how to get what they want; he just couldn’t find anyone who truly knew what they wanted. I agree. Most people don’t know what it is they really want to achieve. They often know what they don’t want, but then that’s where their focus and energy goes to what they don’t want. Being unclear on what you want is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to success. Paul Meyer says if you’re not achieving the success you desire, it’s simply because your objective are not clearly defined. Your goals need to be written, specific and measurable. When you talk to others about your goal(s), they should be able to understand it quickly.
2.       Lack of Focus. You can be clear on your goal. But if you don’t stay focused, if you take on too much (have too many or conflicting goals), if you fill your life with busy things or operate inconsistently, you will likely fail. Focus creates power. A river’s might is harnessed by a dam and focused into electricity energy. Some people say you can achieve everything you want. I don’t believe that. But I do believe you can achieve anything you want with the right focus.
3.        Not Enough Reasons. This one is often overlooked. Reasons come first, answers come second. If you have strong enough reasons, you can accomplish anything you desire. Significant success demands passion. When your why is strong enough, the how will come. And your desire will sustain you when the challenges and obstacles come your way.
4.       Distractions. All too often we’re distracted by other things. Some are outside of our control. Stuff happens. People do things. Events take place. At other times, we become distracted by our own choosing. I call it BSO syndrome Bright and Shiny Objects. You begin one goal or project and then start chasing after another. Sometimes your “great” idea can work against you. Your next “big idea” can be the enemy of your current project. I encourage people to work on no more than three major objectives ones that can have almost daily action towards their achievement. Focus and discipline is needed here (see number 2 and number 10).
5.       Lack of Belief in Yourself and /or in Your Goal. This is often related to worthiness, but there’s more to it. You need to believe in yourself and in the creative process. Winners expect to win. A shortage of belief causes many people to give up or never begin in the first place. In many cases, it causes one to take shortcuts that sabotage their success. Many people simply don’t feel worthy of success. This is a tough one. I can tell you it’s based on an erroneous belief, but you have to get that for yourself. Read the books. Listen to the tapes. Hang out with people who can help, and see yourself attaining the highest and best result. You deserve to be successful. There is no reason for your not to have what you want unless you ignore the principles of success.
6.       Deficient Knowledge. A worthy goal usually requires learning new things. Buckminster Fuller said, “ you can’t learn less.” Perhaps you’re not sure what it is you need to learn in order to get where you want to go. Find out. But don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from starting. If you wait until you know it all, you’ll never begin. Start from where you are and build the bridge as you walk on it.
7.       Insufficient Skills. Most likely there are certain skills you lack which will hinder your progress. Discover what these are and start today in gaining the necessary skills. Perhaps you need to learn how to effectively use a computer and internet. Maybe you need to up-level your communication or time-management proficiency. Even a good attitude is a skill. Enhancing your skills is a lifelong investment that will pay you big dividends. And if you need a skill that you don’t see yourself getting good at or enjoying, find a team member that is good at those things and focus on what you’re good at doing.
8.       Not Enough Money. Most people think this is the number one reason why they haven’t achieved their dreams. They think that if they just had more money then they would be successful. But it’s rarely a money problem instead it’s usually an idea problem. With good ideas and a tenacious spirit, you can get the funding you need
9.       Low Energy. Vince Lombardi said, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” In order to have the energy and stamina to win, we need to take care of our bodies. Get adequate rest, eat the right foods ad refrain from careless and unsafe behavior. Our achievement is our production. Our bodies, our minds and our intuition make up our production capacity. If we don’t properly care for ourselves, we’ll be unable to produce.
10.   Inadequate or Nonexistent Support. Everyone need help. You don’t need to go it alone. I’ve seen far too many people fail because they weren’t willing to ask for help or didn’t know where to turn in order to get it. There are always people who can help. Bring in talent and resources from others and make it a win-win situation. Align yourself with organizations that can help you succeed.

10 Jul 2010

Rule Your Business


To actualise any dream; no matter how big or small, takes a conscious, determined and disciplined dogmatism on the side of anybody. If dreams could be birthed easily, it however takes a meticulous mind set of forthrightness and purpose driven mentality to make it real.

Big business enterprises start from an ignorant and humble beginning, but would develop and metamorphous into an enviable channel of wealth. This can only be achieved by a result oriented Person, a goal getter and a dynamic person or team. How would you as you are handle a small scale business and turn it into a big scale?

In order for you to make a small scale business count and profitable, you should be optimistic and handle your enterprise with all the ounce of passion that you have got. You must make up your mind not to listen to negative comments or unfavourable criticism, but invest adequate and active attention to constructive criticism and wise counsel.

It is quite easy to succeed when you think it is. Observing the following, would bring prominence and strategic growth to your business.

. Have a picture of where you are going and pursue it until you see it.

. Conducive environment is strategic to business progress and customers to make your venture thrive.

. Remember you have a goal to actualise. You have to nurture your dream from scratch to the finish.

. You have to be much disciplined and your right mind set will achieve a lot for you.

. To sell profitably and win the minds of the customers, you should be humble. Humility and determination help you to have a height of standard for your business to create an edge in the business world. Go low to get high!

. You should do real things to get good thing done.

. Develop good communication skills. Your ability to convince people is very salient. (marketing strategy).

. Do not belittle the beginning, manage your resources well and be focused. Consider your funds and make profitable use id them.

. You should possess the willingness to learn; seek wise business counsel.

. You should speak to yourself and be ready to make sacrifices for yourself and your customers.

Thus, lessons are meant to be learnt each passing day. So, a tit bit of this nature could spur you into becoming a sound and better business person. Do not neglect the day/time of little start. Put your heart and passion to whatever your hands find to do and do it well.

by Alafah Darius

29 Mar 2007

How to choose the right career for yourself

Career Planning is a long process, which begins right from the time one starts visiting school. Choosing a job that will suit you best depend on a number of factors, beginning with your interest and what you enjoy most. This is most important since there is no point working if; you do not enjoy the work you are doing. Secondly, it is also important to know what you wish to achieve in future. Setting prior goals is essential as this is what is going to motivate you in attaining results at the earliest.
The initial few years of your career are the most crucial period. It is during this phase that you realize which will be the perfect job for you. Counsellors also suggest that one should keep experimenting with a variety of profiles during this period to see where the interest actually lies. The career planning cycle has been broken into four stages that help in evaluating your position and take you to your desired position. The four stages are as follows:
Where you are? Where can you be? How can you be there? Are you actually getting there?
Let’s now study these four stages and see what they actually mean.
The first step in career planning is self-assessment. To find out ‘Where you are’ placed and why you are in the position. Once you start evaluating your position you will know how focused or lost you are. And accordingly, you will also know how to refocus on your goals and move ahead. Proper and effective evaluation of the reason for your stagnation or your development is also essential. On doing this, you will know if the job you are currently pursuing is actually of interest to you or not.
Your next level should be to set goals, i.e. answering the question, ‘Where can you be?’ This is a very practical stage of your career planning and no assumptions or superficial beliefs would help you in this situation. Your assessment should be an effective reality check on your growth to find out of the loopholes if it exists anywhere. At this level, you also need to make up your mind clearly as to where you really wish to get, while you are making your career moves.
On answering the above two, you have now successfully reached the third and most dynamic stage of your career planning. Here you need to figure out ‘How can you be there?’ and prepare your skills and knowledge accordingly. Do a SWOT analysis on your self, i.e. a rigorous check of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is the stage of implementing your plans. This is the execution phase.
Next comes a final assessment, to find out whether you are actually getting there. This is a periodical check on your moves. And will guide you to the right path.
The next most important thing in choosing the right career is to evaluate if your values, beliefs and attitude will fit in the job or not. There is no job satisfaction if you are not rightly and adequately paid for the job. And this is one reason for which most people are dissatisfied with their work.
Invest some time out of your schedule to find out the answer to these simple questions and find a career for yourself, which will compliment you and help you to love your workplace.
Preetu Misra is a contributed writer for Batchmates.com the largest Alumni portal in India. With her research work and articles she has added an additional edge to the entertainment e-magazine BM Times. Her articles reach to millions of readers every day which are varied in subjects.
Article Source Preetu Misra